After all the years of producing video for our clients, we’ve discovered that even though every business, every brand, approaches a challenge differently, they are still able to achieve success, and it all starts with one thing.

15 years, over 100 productions; we’ve helped businesses grow their footprint, launch events, launch brands, tell their stories, but these videos are not going to be about “how to do it,” they’re going to be about “how we do it.”

Through this series, I’m going to be talking about our approach to developing video for our clients, from initial concept through to distribution and beyond, and how that one thing factors into the success of each production. Along the way, I’ll also be talking to others to learn about their methods.

With each project, we don’t go and reinvent the wheel, we take what we’ve learned from our past work, from others’ work, and apply it to what we do, and for what our clients need.

So, if you’re looking to produce video for your business or want to take your films to the next level, this might be for you.

So much work goes into that moment in time before you press record. And if you’ve done it right, production runs smoothly. And as long as no one said “we’ll fix it in post,” post-production will also run smoothly.

Go ahead and download our free PDF on how to change the game and subscribe to this channel – we’ve got some great material coming.

I’m Joel Perrella, and this is Angry Whale on the Art & Strategy of Pre-Production.