In the highly competitive eCommerce field, great product photography is not a “want” it’s a necessity. The product shots that accompany your product descriptions impact brand perception. If your product photos look amazing, are unique, and really represent the heart of your brand, then the likelihood that someone will promote your brand increases.

Product photography can also have an impact on search engine optimization. So, what does this teach us? Robots like photos, almost as much as people like photos (arguably for different reasons). Robots seem to prefer, even more, a good, creative photo, shared many times.

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In most cases we’ll have something for you before end of business day (unless it is an enormous project)!

Creative, Thought Provoking Photography

What about stock? Stock is stock. Everyone uses it, but only you have the rights to use your photos. And a really creative, thought provoking product photo wins over stock, any day. As Captain Raymond Holt said, “great work, all day Rosa.” Yeah, Brooklyn 99 really doesn’t have anything to do with product photography, but it does give you an idea of our culture. Actually, that episode is perhaps more relevant than originally thought. Turning a seemingly impossible situation into something, not only possible, but hard hitting and filled with wit. Sure we’ll take that. So, in a nutshell, our product photographers work directly with you to craft the best image possible. Although, now reading this, “best” seems a little mediocre – let’s go with “most wonderfully thought provoking.” Yeah, that’s better.

360 Photography / 360 Video

Stills product photography that punches above the belt isn’t the only kick-ass product service that we provide, we also do 360 product photography or 360 product videos. If the intrinsic details that make your product function and give it a unique flair are important then your customers should see that. Of course there are also times when you need your products shot in a lifestyle environment being used or worn, etc… After providing product and lifestyle photography services for magazines for over 10 years, we feel that we can say we’ve nailed the process. So whether you want to take photos of your product on arctic sea ice, or simply in a studio on a turntable with a white-out background, give us a call.

Art Direction / Creative Direction

What about Art Direction? We do that as well. While some brands come to us with their own art directors looking for the right photo that captures their vision, we also have clients that want to outsource their creative and art direction. More than 10 years in the magazine business has taught us a few things, namely how to get eyeballs on images and neurons firing.

GIVE US A CALL and let’s talk photo and video.

Request A Quote Today!

In most cases we’ll have something for you before end of business day (unless it is an enormous project)!